Season XI: Vincent Rodriguez, home cook, Hesperia, California


Vincent Rodriguez is a 14-year-old home cook and caterer from the high desert of Hesperia, California. I learned about him through my friend and his aunt, Alli Wallace, who said he is a crazy talented cook, that his parents give him an ingredient allowance every week, that he could talk my ear off about how to cook a roast. I decided I had to meet Vincent, so he and his mom Tasha drove up from Hesperia just to talk with me on the CONSUMED podcast. This is a slightly shorter episode because I felt a little like I was torturing Vincent with my many questions, but you’ll be impressed by how much this young man knows, particularly about meat.

Instagram: @foodbyvincent

Vincent Rodriguez’s
Banana Bread

  • 6 bananas

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1 cup brown sugar

  • 1 cup melted butter

  • 5 eggs, beaten

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 2 teaspoons baking soda

  • salt

  • 2 cups chocolate chips

Mix dry ingredients, then wet ingredients, then combine. Add chocolate chips. Pour batter equally into two loaf pans and bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour.

Jaime Lewis