Season XII: Sherry Elliston, MS, RD, CDE, San Luis Obispo


Matt Cross Tap Takeover Episode!

Sherry Elliston is a registered dietician and certified diabetes educator, as well as a professor in the Food Science and Nutrition Department at Cal Poly State University. She is a respected and passionate expert who works with patients, especially new moms with diabetes. We talked a lot about gestational diabetes (which I had), my bizarrely high cholesterol (which Sherry also has), eating grapes versus drinking red wine, using food to cope (which Matt is moving away from), and moderation, moderation, moderation. Sherry has wonderful information and perspective on how to make small changes for big results. Plus, she’s just a peach: you’ll love her.

Sherry Elliston, Cal Poly Food Science & Nutrition

Jaime Lewis