Season V: Janine Stone, food entrepreneur, A Bitch-In Kitchen, San Luis Obispo, CA


Janine Stone is the brains behind a Bitch-In Kitchen, a project that began as an irreverent blog about vegan, gluten-free and refined-sugar-free cooking. Today, it’s also a food delivery business, bringing oat milk, granola, and cookie dough in vast quantities to hungry homes across the Central Coast. It all began the day the coronavirus shut everything down, just a few months ago. Plus, it’s not even Janine’s full-time job. Primarily, she’s the one-woman-show behind If You Give A Girl A Saw, her woodworking and furniture company that was named America’s #1 maker by USA Today. Janine and I talked about how she got involved in making foods for alternative diets, her obsession with Taco Bell, and why the Home Depot guys won’t stop asking if she’s finding everything alright.

Special listener note: If you’re sensitive to curse words, or if you know little ears are listening, you’ll want to pick a different episode.


Instagram: @abitchinkitchen

Jaime Lewis