Season XIII: Nathan Long, restaurateur, Nate’s on Marsh, San Luis Obispo


It’s tough not to adore Nathan Long, the restaurateur behind Nate’s on Marsh in San Luis Obispo. He is warm, welcoming, and personable. You know how restaurants always say that they treat their guests like family? That really is the case at Nate’s. I interviewed him at the restaurant because the interior of the place is just remarkable. Picture a cross between a 70s-era country club, a spaghetti Western and a Ralph Lauren ad — all covered in emerald colored wallpaper. I know, I know: it makes no sense and yet when you see it, it works indisputably well. We talked about Nathan’s upbringing here in San Luis Obispo, his background in agriculture, and his affinity for a meatball and a Manhattan.


Instagram: @natesonmarsh